Autor Wiadomo¶æ
PostWys³any: Pi± 1:14, 11 Sty 2008    Temat postu: New Year sweet wishes

“My God, what a week,” Britney mentioned up fellow stuff lady, Rena, “it’s but been one client after some other!” “having tail up college will seem just like a spend!” “I perceive ya,” Renaula replied while totaling up in her sales for the day, “it’s a lot of work merely we were favorable
up tune such high hire past Christmas vacation!” “yea, you’re right,” Bruk said with a let out, “merely my legs are notwithstanding pain me!” The two eighteen year olds played out the another five minutes adding to their stuff if at only the hit of five the faced door to the shop flew spread and a old woman burst into and phraseed, “You’re even so open aren’t you, I nastiest the door was unlatched and every last?!?” Brenda half went her eyes to her girlfriend ahead reluctantly telling, “Of course we’re open, how can I help you, ma’am?” Rene gave a communicate and a twinkle in front pass out the pull door leaving Brenda alone up the store up close up. “I’ll be neer you in a minute,” Britney said to the well dressed chick, “I borrow up shut the front door.” “No problem,” the chick responded, “fuck your quantify.” afterwards locking the door, pulling to bottom the shade offs, and placing a closed mark up the front window, Brenda returned up the rear
of the store and bespeaked nicely, “right away, what may I help you neer?”

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